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Tempe councilmembers OK contested Valvoline site in South Tempe

A vacant lot in South Tempe will likely become home to a Valvoline lube shop, in spite of opposition by many of those who live near the site.

Chandler’s nearly $1 billion budget open for public review

Chandler is proposing a 2.8 percent decrease in its annual budget for fiscal 2020-21 from the current year as it moves into the final phase of adoption amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

TUHSD Superintendent Mendivil on closure of schools due to pandemic

In the weeks leading up to the eventual state-wide school closures, I - like so many others in leadership positions - grappled with how closure would affect our students, families, teachers, and staff.

Weathering the storm: Local businesses hang on

As the economies of Tempe and West Chandler gradually adjust to the new normal in the aftermath of the shutdown, business owners and their clientele are learning to navigate uncharted waters.

Grads hit the streets with parades, celebrations

Members of the high-school graduating class of 2020 are not strangers to national crises. They were born, after all, in the midst of the 9/11 terror attacks and are now living through...

The future of the Chandler market

Even before business owners began to face the full, staggering reality of an economic downturn, Chandler Chamber of Commerce President/CEO Terri Kimble had both eyes squarely on what the future might hold. Discussions...

Pandemic won’t stop this parade: Community gives new meaning to ‘Corona’

The COVID-19 pandemic and its effect continue but that hasn’t stopped parents, neighbors and friends from coming up with ingenious ways to celebrate graduation. It started with yard signs, distributed to Corona del...

Dignity doc uses battle savvy to wage war vs. virus

Like healthcare workers across the country, Dr. Ronald Gagliano, a Dignity Health surgeon, was concerned about the shortage of personal protective equipment as the COVID-19 crisis deepened. A U.S. Army veteran who spent...
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