Tag: Tempe

Warner Road newest target of enforcement

A section of Warner Road between Priest Drive and I-10 is among several roadways under increased law enforcement scrutiny as one of Tempe’s recent Safety Corridor target areas. The goal of the...

Kyrene superintendent outlines educational plans, goals

By Laura Toenjes With a new school year about to start, the Kyrene district's superintendent offers an overview of the strategic plan that will form a basis for efforts taking place through 2025. One...

Drive seeks critically needed water

With temperatures in Tempe and West Chandler are soaring, area homeless and underprivileged face the deadly danger of dehydration with no means to alleviate it. Mary Contreras State Farm Agency is partnering...

Big screens mostly closed but streaming part of ‘new normal’

The High Note—Tracie Ellis Ross plays a superstar pop singer. She’d like to work on new material; her handlers, led by Ice Cube, want her play to it safe with a Vegas...

Business groups lead efforts to stem erosion of U.S. diversity

Leaders of two area chambers of commerce have moved aggressively into the national spotlight over racial equality, launching separate but pointedly specific strategies to stem the tide of black and Hispanic distrust that...

Tempe first to combine strategies to learn how water sources can affect our public health

Commentary by Jennifer Adams Tempe has a long history of leaning forward into challenges. Our community is built on doing what some might think is impossible, like building a lake out of an...

Humility: Is this the story behind Tempe’s enviable claim to livability?

As reporters and editors, one of the lessons we learn early on is where to go for the information we need. While certain kinds of stories focus on everyday folks, the majority...

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