
Renovations created stress that caused Waggoner school roof collapse

Two months after a roof collapse in the multi-purpose room of Waggoner Elementary School, community members had an opportunity to receive some answers. Tuesday at Kyrene district offices, the School Board held a...

Relief seen despite concerns over more Kyrene district layoffs

Economic conditions continue to worry Kyrene School District planners, but at least one glimmer of hope has buoyed their optimism. Dr. David Schauer addressed parents and community groups at a pair of meetings,...

Kyrene officials ‘very, very proud’: For second time, a rare A+ for staff, kids at Mariposa Elementary

In 2004, when Kyrene de la Mariposa was named one of Arizona's top elementary schools, the entire student body lined up to form a gigantic "A+" to celebrate the impressive new honor. Now,...

Schools offer flu-avoidance tips

Sandra Young, R.N., a member of the nursing staff at Corona del Sol High School, provides the following information offering tips on staying healthy during flu season: Cover your nose and mouth with...

Budget squeeze may cut textbooks from new class budgets

Proposed new textbooks for Corona del Sol, Marcos de Niza and other district high schools are now on display at offices of the Tempe Union High School District. The books will be...

Schools seek feedback for 7th, 8th grade sex-ed program

Due to what are said to be increased rates of sexual activity, pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections among Arizona's teens, members of the Kyrene School District's Health Steering Committee have concluded that...

U.S. capital, up close and personal

In life we all have our lists. Grocery lists. To-do lists. Get-organized lists. Recently I was able to cross an entry off my favorite list of all-the things-to-do-in-my-life list. I eliminated No....

Waggoner roof-collapse update – Possible long-term effects worry some parents

Kyrene schools superintendent Dr. David Schauer met with a crowd of concerned parents at a swiftly coordinated meeting March 18 to address questions about the collapse of the roof on the multipurpose...
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